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AXIOM 1155 Training

Measuring FF and FL has never been easier!  Here is our comprehensive video training series on how to use your Axiom Profiler. 

Video 1: Getting apps from our website

All of our apps are posted right on our site.  Here's the link to that page!

Video 1b: Getting apps from Google Play store

Go to the Google Play store and get the apps you need! 

NOTE:  If you are an existing customer and have job files on your phone already download the app from our website. 

Video 3: Connect the handle to the base.

Make sure it's snug and you don't twist the power cable. 

Video 2: Batteries are in the handle!

6 AA batteries for 25 hrs of continuous use.  Here's where they go.

Video 4: Pair Bluetooth

You need to pair your phone and your Axiom before they will talk to each other. 

Video 5: Unlocking your Axiom

Now that your phone and Axiom are talking to each other via Bluetooth, you need to unlock the app.  Here's how. 

Video 6: Layout app

Need help laying out your runs for an ASTM 1155 compliant test?  Use this app.

Video 7: Calibrate and verify

Before you take any FF/FL measurements, make sure you calibrate. 

Video 8: Taking measurements

Now it's time to take FF/FL measurements with your Axiom.  

Video 9: Adding new sections and runs to existing jobs

If you need to add a new section or want to add more data to an existing job's how it's done.

Video 10: Sharing job files

Share your job files EVERY DAY!! Don't wait. 

Video 11: Desktop Report Generator

Create data rich excel based reports using our desktop report generator. 

Video 12: Online Report Generator 

This is a complete walkthrough video on how to use our 1155 Online report generator.  Create stunning FF/FL reports right from the field.  Excel no longer needed. 

Video 13: Somero Matson Group ASTM 1155 walkthrough

This is a walkthrough of the ASTM 1155 test procedure. 

Video 14: Android 9.0 or later - update app and use old job files. 

This helps someone who already has the old app on a phone with Android version 9.0 or later and wants to update to the latest version of the app, and still wants access to old job files on the phone.  

Video 15: Android 10.0 or newer- update app and use old job files. 

This helps someone who already has the old app on a phone with Android version 10.0 or newer and wants to update to the latest version of the app, and still wants access to old job files on the phone.  

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Somero Matson Group

5358 Poole Rd.

Archdale NC 27263



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